As you begin dating, you may feel good and your brain might tell you to seek out more of that feeling. But be aware that your brain is primed to look for those dopamine hits just like it did with drugs or alcohol. Once you’re dating someone, don’t feel pressured to get into a serious relationship right away. It’s important to choose who you want to date very carefully. Finding someone who likes you, or someone you like, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right for you.

How Recovery Can Make You a Better Partner

Though recovery is largely an individual process, the people in a sober person’s life play a large role in it. There may be certain things you can do to help your partner that wouldn’t cross your mind if you didn’t take the time to ask. For example, maybe he/she doesn’t like when you keep your own alcohol in the house, or when you leave glasses from alcohol in the sink. Or maybe all your partner needs from you is for you to check in once in awhile and make sure they feel good and on track. These types of things may seem small to you, but could affect your partner greatly, so taking the time to ask could make a big difference in the relationship. No matter what, dating a recovering addict should be done while your partner is involved in some type of treatment program, such as the ones offered by FHE Health.

Okay, so this is the most glaringly obvious and important con when it comes to dating someone in recovery.Relapse is a sad but very possible situation that comes with sobriety. Whether the relapse occurs as a result of the relationship or due to separate issues, it will still affect the relationship. As unfortunate as it may be, dating in recovery is not without its drawbacks.

It may also be important to share with your therapist, support group, friends, or sponsor that you’ve starting dating and express any feelings that you may have. By doing so, you’re more easily able to recognize any potential emotional pitfalls. Often, we’ve needed to cut ties from the “people, places, and things” that facilitated our addiction. Since a new setting for socialization may take time in recovery, many may look for romantic relationships to fill this social vacuum. Or worse, replace their addiction with the emotional and/or sexual highs of a new relationship. In this case, we’ve merely replaced one urge with another without recognizing this risky pattern of behavior.

Fortunately, your partner will learn ways to manage temptation during treatment and within alcoholism support groups. The best thing you can do for a loved one who is battling alcoholism is to get them to see a mental health professional, who can refer them to an effective alcohol addiction treatment program, if needed. Because drugs and alcohol become such an important part of an addict’s life, when they are gone, the addict may feel like they lost their whole identity. They need to relearn how to go about their lives without using these substances as a crutch as well as learn who they are without them. If they begin dating in early recovery at this time, they may become too dependent on the person they are dating.

#5. Allow Them to Prioritize Their Recovery

For this reason, it’s important to consider a few factors when dating someone who no longer drinks oruses drugs. Here are a few pieces of advice for this situation, coming from someone in recovery. Unique Challenges – It’s not uncommon for the recovering individual to take up replacement addictions, something to take the place of the alcohol or drugs he or she formerly used. That’s because newly sober individuals have to grapple with the strong cravings and urges to somehow achieve that same type of euphoria or high that they got from alcohol and drugs. Rushing into a love relationship or pursuing a sexual relationship can be a form of replacement addiction, as the person in recovery seeks that heady intoxication that intimacy promises.

A longing for drugs and alcohol drives the addict, and nothing is more important to them than the substance. Unlike some of the other apps on this list, MeetMindful isn’t centered specifically around alcohol. So if you’re looking for someone who not only doesn’t drink but is also dedicated to wellness overall, this could be the app for you.

Because there are certain stereotypes about people who are sober, it’s easy to think they wouldn’t want to be invited to places such as bars or that they’d rather be left out of alcohol-centered events. While this may be the case for some people in recovery, it’s not the case for everyone. Some people in recovery can handle themselves perfectly well around alcohol and may be hurt if they are not invited places simply because alcohol will be present. This assumption can be incredibly hurtful when coming from you, their partner. On the flip side, it’s also important not to assume someone in recovery is comfortable around alcohol.

Healthy men and women in recovery will prioritize their relationship over their addiction. In other words, they are not only getting help but they are striving to improve their relationships by finding ways to continually grow in how they relate, listen, and accept feedback from their partners. In contrast, people to potentially avoid are those who want to both maintain their romantic relationships while also staying in a relationship with their addiction.

How To Keep Your Partner Involved In Your Recovery Process

If they are not worthy enough to be a worthy friend to you, you may not continue your relationship. Take the time to get to know the person and make sure they are suitable before investing entirely in a relationship. You cannot go on with someone you want, especially if it’s not the guy you want. There are several important reasons for this general rule, but it can take a long time, and waiting for the full 365 days from the date can be difficult. In some addictive relationships, this behavior escalates into verbal and physical violence. The addict’s partner is likely to become frustrated and angry and push against the behavior, making the addict more defensive.

This sets you up for the crushing disappointment that can set off emotional triggers. The best advice is to let things happen as they will, at their own pace. If casual dating becomes something more meaningful, then congratulations. You need time to understand the other person and see who they are and how their personality meshes with yours.

This process can help guide your decision making through the dating journey. While no one wants to believe that their relationship will end, most relationships do. Alcoholics in early recovery are not equipped for the emotional and mental consequences of breaking up with a significant other. Making beginning a new relationship with a recovering individual with less than a year sober dangerous and reckless. “I use to say to my family all the time, ‘you don’t understand’.

As an additional layer of protection, a person in recovery should also not date other people in recovery. The idea of fellow program members combining their sensitivities and weaknesses is fraught with danger. For anyone going through treatment, relapse is always a possibility. Being involved with someone for whom that possibility also exists greatly increases the chance of the two people falling back into the same habits – only this time, together.